Monday, March 23, 2015

You As An Anime Girl

Click here to find out

My Result :

♡ The Quiet Mysterious Girl ♡

You got the quiet girl~
You're usually silent, making you the mysterious girl everyone wants to get to know! :D
But once you start a convo, you're extremely kind, gentle, and silly! :3
Everyone loves you for who you are!

~ Boyfriend ~

Your anime boyfriend is the wild and loud type!
Looks like opposites attract?:)
But all in all, he's super sweet yet sometimes a bit nosy and gets easily jealous~ xD
Here are his thoughts about you!

" Y/N is such an amazing girl! Although she may be quiet at times, once you get to know her, she's so funny! :D Honestly, I get jealous sometimes if a guy talks to her.. She's too pretty and I'm scared they might take her away! D: "

Hmm aku sukanya cowok cool kalau di anime2, gk tau sih klo aslinya -_)
