Monday, March 23, 2015

10 Things That People Love About You

Cute, Smart, Scene, Unique, Quiet, Leader, Popular, Pretty, Sporty, and Jokester!

You are Cute, Smart, Scene, Unique, Quiet, Leader, Popular, Pretty, Sporty, and Jokester! Here's why.

Cute- You are very creative and love to have fun

Smart- You are very smart and you are top in your class

Scene- You are very sweet and love expressing yourself

Unique- You are your own self and love being that way

Quiet- You don't talk much unless your with your friends

Leader- You are not a follower, and you are very strong

Popular- You have tons of friends and they all love you

Pretty- You are super pretty and all the boys love you

Sporty- You are really good at sports and like having a good time

Jokester- You have a good sense of humor and you're funny

Semuanya gak pas, tp yg paling gk pas yang biru :l


"Popular- You have tons of friends and they all love you"
Sama -.- Lagian aku lebih suka punya temen sedikit
"Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you." Aku suka quote ini ( ´ ▽ ` )

Bener tu Quote-nya (aku sering nemu quote gk mutu soalnya,tp yg itu (y) ) Untuk apa temen banyak tp gk setia, malah melas 'o'

Iya...Lagian banyak temen, banyak masalah ~.~
