Cute, Smart, Scene, Unique, Quiet, Leader, Popular, Pretty, Sporty, and Jokester!
Cute- You are very creative and love to have fun
Smart- You are very smart and you are top in your class
Scene- You are very sweet and love expressing yourself
Unique- You are your own self and love being that way
Quiet- You don't talk much unless your with your friends
Leader- You are not a follower, and you are very strong
Popular- You have tons of friends and they all love you
Pretty- You are super pretty and all the boys love you
Sporty- You are really good at sports and like having a good time
Jokester- You have a good sense of humor and you're funny
Semuanya gak pas, tp yg paling gk pas yang biru :l
"Popular- You have tons of friends and they all love you"
Sama -.- Lagian aku lebih suka punya temen sedikit
"Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you." Aku suka quote ini ( ´ ▽ ` )
Bener tu Quote-nya (aku sering nemu quote gk mutu soalnya,tp yg itu (y) ) Untuk apa temen banyak tp gk setia, malah melas 'o'
Iya...Lagian banyak temen, banyak masalah ~.~